Where To Position Your Feet When Teeing Off

In football, if your wall is not positioned correctly, then you will not be able to block the ball.

In baseball, if you do not have the right batting stance, you will not be able to hit the ball out of the park.

Likewise in golf, if you do not know where to position your feet when teeing off, you will not be able to execute quality shots.

The importance of feet positioning should never be undermined in the game of golf.

It is crucial that you have the right stance or else you lose distance and accuracy before you even play the shot.

Golf experts recommend working on your feet positioning every time you step onto the field.

At first it might seem like a tough task but with time you will gain confidence and excel at it.

Here are a few tips to teach you how to position your feet before teeing off.

1. Where To Stand

Move yourself in a position where you are parallel to the target line.

Now grip the club and step up to the ball with your feet aligned together.

2. Place the Club Head

Now that you take up a standing position, it is time to place the clubhead appropriately.

Place it behind the ball with your arms hanging below your shoulders.

3. Feet Position

Now position your feet directly opposite to the golf ball.

Place the ball 3 to 4 inches inside the left heel if you are a right hander, the opposite if you play with your left hand.

4. Foot Rotation

Turn your left foot about 20 degrees toward the target.

Make sure that your back foot is perpendicular to the target line.

5. Hip Movement

When you take up this stance, your hips will automatically move towards the target at the point of impact, thus giving you effective follow-through.

6. Swing Rotation

Keep your right foot square to the target line.

This way you will be able to rotate freely and deliver a solid impact when you strike the ball.

7. Needless Rotation

If you rotate too much, then you can lose your balance.

Place your feet firmly on the ground and control your movements.

8. Weight Distribution

You need to have balanced weight distribution in order to deliver quality shots.

Make sure that each foot carries 50% of the weight. Don’t lean too much on one foot or the other.

9. Weight Shifting

You need to maintain a good weight balance so that you can shift your weight into making powerful shots.

Do not stand on your toes or heels.

10. The Backswing

When going for the backswing, your bodyweight will naturally shift onto your right (or dominant) foot.

You must counter this move by shifting weight onto the left (non-dominant) foot before you play the shot.

11. Proper Positioning

Proper positioning will enable you to get the perfect follow-through and a good finish.

12. Flat Feet Until The Finish

Keep your feet flat on the ground to start.

As you play the shot, your left foot should lie flat while your right heel should be directly over the toes of your right foot.

13. Left Foot

At the very end, your weight should be entirely on the left foot as you make the swing.

It is through regular practice that your feet will learn to find the right spot without needing to worry about it.

Once you have perfected the basics, such as proper stance, you will have more control over shots and will be able to cope in different environments.

The way professional golfers succeed is to pay great attention to detail which is the key to mastering the fundamentals.

Learning how to position your feet is among the golf basics that will set you up for a fantastic shot time after time.

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